Monday, December 29, 2008

Lois' SPEDFolio: Introduction

What is SPEDFolio? My SPEDFolio is an electronic portfolio of Special Education artifacts that I acquired during my voyage through the Special Education Fast Track Program which I commenced during Fall 2008 at the University of Guam. Although there are other Special Education courses that I have already completed and others still to come, the first artifacts that you will peruse focus on Assistive Technology. This course was taught by Dr. Jacqui Cyrus. The course was like a frontier full of dark clouds I knew was there but never fully explored. I didn’t know what to expect from the course or what was expected from me. I also was quite apprehensive as I am not what you will consider your typical tech savvy person. But with the diligent guidance of Dr. Cyrus, the clouds started to clear each week and the assignments became more understanding and expectations became more meaningful.

So what is Assistive Technology? According to the United States Assistive Technology Act of 1998, Assistive Technology, also called adaptive technology, refers to any "product, device, or equipment, whether acquired commercially, modified or customized, that is used to maintain, increase, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities." Some common computer-related assistive technology products include screen magnifiers, large-key keyboards, alternative input devices such as touch screen displays, over-sized trackballs and joysticks, speech recognition programs, picture exchange communication systems, and text readers.

As you peruse through my SPEDFolio, please keep in mind the following questions and hopefully you will become their advocate: WHO will help these students get the assistive technology they need? HOW do we know who can benefit from assistive technology - where do educators begin? WHAT technology is needed for these students to make a difference in their educational environment?

CEC Educational Technology Specialist Standards:

Standard 4-TE4S1: Instructional Strategies: Identify and operate instructional and assistive hardware, software and peripherals.

Standard 6-TE6S1: Communication: Use communication technologies to access information and resources electronically

Standard 7-TE7S2: Instructional Planning: Identify elements of the curriculum for which technology applications are appropriate and ways they can be implemented.

Standard 8-TE8S1: Assessment: Match characteristics of individuals with exceptional learning needs with technology product or software features.

Standard 8-TE8S3: Assessment: Identify functional needs, screen for functional limitations and identify if the need for a comprehensive assistive or instructional technology evaluation exists.

Standard 8-TE8S7: Assessment: Identify placement of devices and positioning of the individual to optimize the use of assistive or instructional technology.

Standard 8-TE8S9: Assessment: Make technology decisions based on a continuum of options ranging from no technology to high technology.


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